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4.4 ( 4894 ratings )
Muziek Amusement
Developer: Taiim Multimedia Technology Development Co., Ltd.

i迷你禮盒(HD)的設計目的是那些借蘋果平板電腦來進行相關節日和特殊日的情景氣氛烘托之用途。每當大型節日如春節、佛誕、中秋、聖誕, 或情人節、大型國家紀念日等來臨之前, i迷你禮盒(HD)都會推出相應的場景產品來作為家庭或辦公室帶來節日氣氛。
- 全新的系統和界面設計;
- 收集了新年剪紙;
- 收集了新年賀歲歌曲;
- 搖一搖,摸一摸。

iMinibox(HD) is an idea as a scene entertainment adornment for the festivals or special days. In those Special days before, iMinibox(HD) will introduce new scene for indoor atmosphere.
iMinibox(HD) version 1.1.0 designed for the Chinese New Year festival entertainment.
This Chinese New Year festival entertainment includes:
- New system and UI design;
- New Year lucky cards collection;
- New Year hot songs collection;
- Shake, drag & play.
Kung Hei Fat Choy!